Monday, March 28, 2011

Thrown a Curve Ball (or two)

Sometimes life throws you a curve ball.  Plans don't fall into place and you need to resort to "Plan B", even if you didn't already have a "Plan B'  ready.  Currently I am at the library utilizing their wireless network because we are  unable to get our internet connection to operate at home.  Add to that the fact that our power went out this morning and I'm not sure how long my battery on this laptop will last. Hopefully by the time I return home the power will be restored.  Until then..."Plan B" is to be at the library and downoad my email.  I also have some important software that I need internet connection to download.  More on this on another day.

The 50% off sale is still in progress for the Name Prints until April 21st., so think of everyone you may want to surprise with this special gift and order it by the deadline.  If you do not need it until a later date, we can put the order and art
 print(s)  in the hold file, but you need to purchase now to get the savings. See the different art prints you can choose from on .

Easter postcards are ready to go...pack of ten for $2.75, plus you get a free postcard (of our choice).Simply go to for your selections.

This month I had five different baby gifts to take care of.  I will have one more baby to make a gift for in August.  I've already started working on one gift that I need to put on hold because something more timely has popped up (another curve ball).  Seems we have a group at church that is collecting either yarn for knitted hats or knitted hats to send to children in Japan to help them keep warm.  I need to start knitting so I can help with this worthy project.  Time is of essence. I cannaot recall if I have made a hat before.  I have made scarves and shawls, but I cannot recall if I made any hats.  Using my knitting wheel will make this an easy project.  I just don't know how long it will take to complete a hat, and I want to make several for them.

I want to start a monthly newsletter.  Would you like to sign up to receive this?  If you decide later to unsubscribe, no problem.  I will never hassle you about saying, "I don't want to receive this newsletter anymore."  I may ask, "Why?"  Your answer may tell me how to make it more inviting to read.  I look forward to your input.

I hope you have a wonderful day filled with delightful surprises.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Easter is on its way!

Before you know it Easter will be here.  Of course you are aware of this if you have been in any retail store that sells clothing, food or gifts.  Easter truly is a joyous season.  How many people celebrate Easter by sending greetings like they do at Christmas?  Not as many.  Why?  Why not?  This holiday is as important as Christmas.  In fact, Easter is the reason we celebrated Christmas.  Why not continue sharing the good news of Christmas by sharing the good news of Easter?  We really don't want to spend a couple of dollars on each Easter card to everyone on our list.That's understandable.  Do you ever see boxes of Easter cards available? Only if you shop in a Christian bookstore.  Well, there is one affordable solution...Easter postcards.  I know where one can find Easter cards that share the good news of the holiday. You get ten in a pack for $2.75, plus one FREE postcard as a bonus.  Postage for postcards is only 28 cents each; that's more affordable than sending a regular  greeting card. These are available at . There are four designs to choose from. You can even purchase the postcard stamps when you purchase the postcards and save the trip to the post office.  Then all you need to do is put on the address and your own personal message.  How easy is that?  Just imagine the smile on a shut-in's face when they receive an unexpected surprise in the mail.  Remember children love to get mail addressed to them also. These postcards are fun to add to an Easter basket or just hand out to people. Don't delay, buy today and be the first in your circle of friends and family to say, "Happy Easter".