Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday, June 20, 2011
It is a cloudy day with showers threatening to arrive anytime. The thunder is rolling. That cancels the walk to downtown that I had hoped to take. The beautiful old houses and flowered yards around here are a reminder of a simpler time when people really took time to enjoy spending time outside in their yards. They actually have sidewalks to walk on. Something I wish more towns still had.
Since David has been suffering with ear pain for most of the trip we decided to go to Urgent Care for medical assistance. Despite his smile, he is suffering with ear pain.

He's smiling because I suggested he take these photos to work with the caption, "How I spent my vacation.".

"Yes, I see a brain in there."

He has inner ear and middle ear infections in both ears. Off to the drug store we go for medicine we hope will prove to be effective. Travel back “home” in the rain. Oh, we wish we had even a portion of all this rain in Texas.

The rest of the day and evening was spent visiting with relatives who came to visit and join us for supper.

Chef RC Kerns

1 comment:

  1. I am soooo glad to see that someone besides me takes pictures of everything to document everything. I love this love this idea... Looks like ya'll are having a good time.
